Castle Remodel

Castle Remodel | Build Your Sanctuary

My Toolbox

Like anything in life, you can only be as good as the tools you use. That’s why I want to show you exactly what tools I’m using most commonly. I find my self reaching for a choice few tools the most. These have been so helpful to me over the years, and I want to show you what they are.

There are many choices in tools out there, but it is probably best to avoid the unnecessary ones, and focus on the ones you need for the job at hand. The tools that are listed below are some of the more frequently used tools for home remodeling projects, and the typical home repair jobs.

Hand Tools

Hand tools are the most commonly used tools category. These are the ones you will be reaching for the most. The tools listed below are in no particular order. 

The one tool that is most used would have to be the tape measure. I recommend having a few of them because it can be easy to misplace them. 

You don’t need to have teh exact same tool I like to use. But the ones I have listed below are some good brands that will last a long time. 

Power Tools


These tools are a few of the most common types of tools that a DIY homeowner would want to have. There are going to be jobs you will do that may need other tools as well. This is a starter list that will be a good beginning to your tool set. The tools on this list will be able to complete a large assortment of home projects.

I hope this look into some of the most used tools I own is of assistance to you. If you have any questions about any of the tools on this list, or you have another question about home remodeling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email me at

Happy Remodeling,


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